Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Most people know that the force of gravity on an object is weight. Well, if you didn't you know now. I picked a number (actually my brother did), 82, and found what the weight would be on the other planets, and the Sun.

Weight On Earth - On the other planets/stars:

82 pounds - On The Sun 2296 pounds

82 - Mercury- 30.996

82 - Venus- 74.21000000000001

82 - Moon- 13.666666666666666

82 - Mars- 31.078

82 - Jupiter- 207.378

82 - Saturn- 82.492

82 - Uranus- 74.046

82 - Neptune- 89.87200000000001
Look how close the weights are for Saturn and Neptune. So close to 82!

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