Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Pendragon Reveiw

Rating: 4/5

I have just recently finished reading the Pendragon series. The books are about a young boy’s magical journey in which he sees death, hunger, and destruction. The boy’s name is Bobby Pendragon. He is a Traveler and his job is to roam Halla, which is various territories in a number of alternate universes both past, present, and future, searching for Saint Dane and trying to find a way to destroy him because he can't be destroyed by brute force. Saint Dane is a shape shifter, willing to take form of any creature, with the only goal to  destroy Halla.
Bobby is one of twelve Travelers. All of them have been taken out of their normal life to be to be told they are Travelers. They must protect all of Halla. Will they succeed or will Saint Dane be victorious?

1- I really HATED it
2- I didn't like it
3- I liked it
4- I really liked it
5- I LOVED it

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